
スターペイメント クレジットカード決済 ご依頼フォーム

Please enter your purchase amount.
(Example: If you need 1500 points, it will be 15,000 yen. Please write 15,000.
If you need 300 points, it will be 3,000 yen. Please write 3,000 below.)
We accept payments in increments of 500 yen, starting from a minimum of 1000 yen.
Please write 1500 yen for a purchase of 120 points. For 370 points, the amount will be 4000 yen.


Please double-check that the above is the purchase amount, not the number of points.
If you enter 5000, you will purchase 500 points.
Payments can only be made in increments of 500 yen. If you need 110 points, please purchase 150 points (1500 yen).
Points cannot be awarded if an email address is not registered. Be sure to register on the distribution site before purchasing points.


We use short messages for payment processing, so please enter the mobile number that can receive short messages. Hyphens are not required.


Please enter the email address registered with the our site.
