
Excretion comes 17 nanami

Excretion comes 17 nanami
全セット(全シーン) 110ポイント「※右クリックして保存を選択してください」

Thanks to your support, we have been able to create a series of sneak peeks into the excretion delivery health service "Excretion Hall" that has been well received by our comrades. This time, we picked up a friendly girl named "Nanami".
This time, we decided to enjoy the traditional play of farting during conversation. She came back with an air enema to fart herself. During the conversation, you can hear her farting ......, and when she hears it, she squirms in shame. This combo is just wonderful. At the end, with her permission, we injected her with air and she farted in front of our face. When we told her she smelled bad, she covered her face and was embarrassed... This is an example of customer service in real life. If you want to enjoy this kind of play, please call "Excrement Hall"!

(ユーザーランク指定) ランク指定なし

sheard tag  excretion shop  Benzo  fart  nyourou  Excretion comes  Other directors