
pooping girl is gone [for smartphone]

pooping girl is gone [for smartphone]
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The vertical screen of a smartphone is the best for showing the human body. This work is a powerful image optimized for viewing on a smartphone or looking at a portrait screen by rotating all cameras by 90 degrees and shooting in "portrait".
This movie is a littlebit comedy.
A couple who has never held hands yet. Boyfriend's house is a Japanese style toilet.
She wants go to bathroom quickly. So she gone to bathroom.She take a poop.
But... Her poop is very big and heavy.So did not flow.
So she gave up trying to shed a poop .... In the shot is a simple back shooting & oblique front angle. After all, the vertical screen shows outstanding compatibility to deliver excretion. In a telop display with no voice of a man, deliver a girl heart.
I made it a funny, and I was able to get excrement mini-drama through it fresh!

(ユーザーランク指定) ランク指定なし

excretion shop  Benzo  scat  Official_Limited  smartphone_optimum 
レビュアー: ヒソカ