Women said that they are made of curves well, and women who have to put up with urine are more prominent curves.
With urine collected in a lot of piss tanks, the lower abdomen swells as it is not ordinary, and our crotch inflates.
They think that they want to take a pill from their crotch in the toilet sooner but can not do so! This is due to the subliminal purpose of observing what kind of dent in bladder swelling when urinating It is a work planned for, so stand standing so that the bulge of the stomach looks better, get urinating urine! And also it is tolerable until it leaks naturally! Also let's talk about toilet circumstances! Successfully photographed perfectly the appearance that the stomach dented wonderfully with 4 cameras, demonstrating the devil 's ability to let the bladder also push. A glossy work, specialized in "bladder bulging, dent" at the cut of unique union society, is completed. Troublesome maimonji & front presser + marginal urine + standoff! Experimental observation is still going on! 8 members
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