
Stopped Elevator: Emergency Avoidance Pee Edition

he drama of women trying to hold in their pee unfolds inside a warehouse that has stopped functioning due to an earthquake or other reason, and they are trapped inside. In a warehouse with no toilet, women try to hold in their pee to the limit, but they end up urinating into some kind of container or bag, thinking it's better than leaking it, and the shame they feel is depicted!
What if the elevator stops? What if a woman who is trying to hold back her pee-pee is trapped in the elevator? This work was born from the "what if" scenario that every "excretion lover" has imagined…
What if the elevator stops? What if a woman who is trying to hold back her pee-pee is trapped in the elevator? This work was born from the "what if" scenario that every "excretion lover" has imagined…
What if the elevator stops? What if a woman who is trying to hold back her pee-pee is trapped in the elevator? This work was born from the "what if" scenario that every "excretion lover" has imagined…
What if the elevator stops? What if a woman who is trying to hold back her pee-pee is trapped in the elevator? This work was born from the "what if" scenario that every "excretion lover" has imagined…
What if the elevator stops? What if a woman who is trying to hold back her pee-pee is trapped in the elevator? This work was born from the "what if" scenario that every "excretion lover" has imagined…
What if the elevator stops? What if a woman who is trying to hold back her pee-pee is trapped in the elevator? This work was born from the "what if" scenario that every "excretion lover" has imagined…
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